
For more than 24 years, Sonsax has been exploring the qualities and possibilities of the saxophone and percussion, instruments that, thanks to their versatility, allow to play all the styles and rhythms that exist in the different musical languages of the world. The Montreal International Jazz Festival describes: "The Costa Rican group Sonsax is a 'world saxophone quartet' in every sense of the word. The saxophone part is made up of the four main members of the family (baritone, tenor, alto, soprano - plus percussion), and the sound can be from anywhere: sometimes cool, sometimes frenetic, sometimes casual, sometimes purely funk - and always with enough Latin flavour to make you dance or dream."

Sonsax has become one of the most influential saxophone ensembles in Latin America, giving hundreds of concerts in countries such as Russia, Croatia, Japan, Hong Kong, Canada, the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Central America, among others.

Sonsax has released 4 recordings and one DVD of exceptional breadth and creativity, making numerous appearances in various radio and television programs in Latin America, and has presented internships and master classes in many universities around the world.

- Dr. Javier Valerio, soprano and alto saxophones, director

- Harold Guillén, alto saxophone

- Pablo Sandí, baritone saxophone

- Arturo Castro, tenor saxophone

- Manrique Méndez, percussionist

创建逾二十四年以来,SONSAX 乐团始终追求独具创意的发展愿景。经过多年的发展,SONSAX 乐团将萨克斯和敲击乐器的不同性能发展到极致,使乐器具有通用性,能演奏出世界各地不同风格和节奏的音乐。蒙特利尔国际爵士音乐节这样描述:哥斯达黎加乐队 SONSAX 从任何意义上说都称得上世界级萨克斯四重奏组。该乐团包括低音萨克斯、次中音萨克斯、中音萨克斯、高音萨克斯和敲击乐,SONSAX 乐团名称的 SAX(萨克斯)部分占了这个家族的主要部分,而 SON 的部分则包罗万象,或劲酷、疯狂,或休闲轻松的酒廊演奏风格,或演绎纯疯克音乐,但始终充满了拉丁风味,让人禁不住想跳舞和逐梦。SONSAX 已经成为拉美地区最具影响力的合唱团之一,在世界各地举行了数百场音乐会,如俄罗斯、日本、加拿大、美国、智力、巴西、秘鲁、哥伦比亚、德国、墨西哥以及中美地区各国等。SONSAX 已经发布了 4 张唱片和一张覆盖面广泛且极具创造性的 DVD 专辑。

Over the years, Henri SELMER Paris saxophones have given Sonsax the confidence to explore their versatility in different styles of music, from classical to Latin, from funk to contemporary, with great consistency in sound and projection.
